
I went on a fun date last night! ^-^

my boyfriend and i went to the summer fair yesterday. it was a blast! we went there at night about an hour till closing so parking was crazy, we had to park like a 5-10 minute walk away. the first parking spot we found was all the way down the dirt parking lot, but then on our walk to the  fair someone at the beginning of the lot left so Anthony ran back to the car to move it to the new open spot. it saved a lot of uncomfortable walking time at the end of the night. (it was hot and humid that night) but it was still fun. the walks were some real fun bonding chatty time. the fair was so fun together! and our favorite carnie was there working the balloon darts, it was nice to see her again. i played the dart game to win a blue bulldog stuffed animal for my dad. Anthony won a Dojo Domo stuffed animal for me from a basketball, but at the end of the day we agreed to give it as a birthday gift for our friend Ben from the both of us. i need to remember to give Ben's sister Emily the panda bear i got for her.anyways, Anthony was so very determined to get me this giant green stuffed crayon for me that he played this game where u had to shoot out a star from a paper target with a scattershot bb gun. he played it like 8 or more times trying to win it, he also tried this baseball game. i told him "babe, you can stop playing now, you know i love you, you don’t have to win something for me "after the second to last of the gun game he played he won. i was so proud of him to be so determined to make me happier. ^-^ :) he's so sweet :) and when we got home we watched a movie together <3

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